Hawaii Papaya Recipes

MacNut Chicken Salad in Papaya Bowl
Makes 4 Servings
2 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1/2 + stalk celery, diced
1 1/2 oz. (43 gr) salted macadamia nuts
1/4 cup (60 ml) mayonnaise
salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
2 papayas
Cut papayas in half and scoop out seeds. Discard seeds.
Cook chicken thighs in water, brought to boiling. Cook for @10 minutes, or until chicken is no
longer pink when sliced through. Allow to cool.
Dice celery. Chop macadamia nuts.
Cube chicken into small pieces. Put in a mixing bowl and add celery, mac nuts and
mayonnaise. Taste and add slat and freshly ground pepper to taste.
Spoon chicken Mac nut salad into papaya “bowls”
As featured in WestJet Magazine
Submitted by Jennifer Weinert