Hawaii Papaya Recipes

Pineapple, Papaya & Maui Onion Relish


1 Cup Hawaiian pineapple, cored and diced into small cubes
1/2 cup papaya, diced into small pieces
1/2 cup Maui onion, diced
1/2 large red bell pepper, julienne cut
3 Tbsp. Fresh sage, chopped
3 Tbsp. Fresh Chinese parsley, chopped
3 Tbsp. Red wine vinegar
2 Tbsp. Fresh ginger, chopped
1 Tbsp. Fresh garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. Shoyu (may use low sodium)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste


Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl, tossing thoroughly.
Set aside and chill for a few hours. Serve as a relish for grilled fish or chicken, seared ahi, or as a salsa with chips.

Focus on Agriculture Cookbook
Submitted by: Kathy Leyshon